Sunday, August 13, 2006


Where did everybody go?
I'm off the grid for a few days
and it's like I died.
On to the next...


Did the Dr. Bronner poem scare you?

Dr. Bronner- The Pope of Soap ?

The liquid castile soap
from the healthfood store
with all they tiny writing
on the bottle?

Since I can't link
due to td
(technology deficits)
you'll just have to
go google him.

It is ok to laugh
(at the poem)
anything else for that matter.

Weird post huh?

I know.

Oh well...


Blogger Oh great One said...

It's been kinda dead in Blogopolis these days. Not a lot going on anywhere.

4:47 PM, August 13, 2006  
Blogger jin said...

I like the almond one best.
Closely followed by peppermint.
With baby mild for shampooing my puppy.

You can buy it incredibly cheap off the internet.

I have also been told you can use it to brush your teeth with. I have no desire to actually try this out. :-P

3:44 AM, August 14, 2006  
Blogger Bar L. said...

Had to stop by after reading about your Russell Terrier - I have a Rat Terrier who is neurotic. What is it about that breed?

2:14 AM, August 16, 2006  
Blogger Edward said...


Just catching up now.

1:37 AM, September 21, 2006  

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