Sunday, July 02, 2006

broken spell

at museum exit
I must transition
from climate control
to chaos

a wild summer shower
engulfs me
as I pass through
this portal

an ambulance hiccuping its way
along main street
toward hospital
alerts me
I must wipe away
my raindriving fear
as a blade dispenses
a windshieldful of droplets

I yearn for safe irresponsibility

my passengerside door beckons
as I hurry across parking lot
but I must remind myself
I am alone today
my fate is steering wheel

home is where I long to be
to empty my ice-tea-filled-bladder
now pressing against seat belt


I need to be home

done with this road


Blogger Pat said...

I rarely desire being a car passenger! However, a passenger on a bus or train or plane is an entirely different thing! Why is that, I wonder?

10:42 AM, July 03, 2006  

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