Saturday, June 23, 2007


My wife, fairsCaPe, died May 31. Basically of caretaker syndrome ... taking care of everyone else first. Don't skip your checkups. I will post her poetry and also, on the now mis-named "HomeCareVent" the occasional bit of Sonnyboy news.
-CCCCppppCCppp (


Blogger Margarita Mirasol said...

Hello Dear Steven,
This post means so much to me and to all who knew your lovely Paris Cafe lady. I thought about you, too, whilst all this was happening, and after, and wondered if we'd ever see you, and well, let's all keep in touch, keep dearest Fairscape's contribution to life alive.
You know her hair rests in a most sacred place in Japan. Surrounded by three streams, one of which is ancient and much respected, upon an island, in the middle of two rivers that rush down from behind Kyoto.
As Fairscape's spirit continues on its path.
And yes, it is clear that she gave so much to others during her life and per chance to a degree where her own health would eventually suffer. But nothing was lost. Only gained.
Do do keep in touch. My e-mail is
You are always welcome to visit the boat.
Kindest regards and warmest love to you and your family

11:14 PM, June 23, 2007  
Blogger Fuff said...

Hope you're coping and Sonny is alright.
Muchly missed. No other words.

9:18 PM, June 24, 2007  
Blogger Middle Child said...

I only came accross this through JIn's blog...saddened lovely husband died due to a horror of a hospital internment) May 17th this year so have some idea what you might bee feeling...

take care okay...its pretty bleak without them.

3:24 AM, July 01, 2007  
Blogger R said...

I am devastated to hear that... so late.

I can only send you, Bobby and the rest of the family my very very best wishes. It would be good to keep up with his news.

I wonder if I could possibly send him something? Would that be okay?

9:57 PM, July 12, 2007  
Blogger Mummified said...

I am so sorry. I have only just caught up with the news. Have been buried in mothering our wee son for the last few months and effectively just checked out from bloggerland altogether. My thoughts are with you and sonny boy. I hope you are doing OK.

4:18 AM, September 03, 2007  

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