Tuesday, January 31, 2006



my name is ************ and i'm a blog-a-holic

do you blog alone?
do you blog more than three times per week?
are you a daily blogger?
do you have to blog first thing in the morming?
do yo blog right before you go to sleep?
do you have more than two or three blogs?
do you keep your blogging secret?
do you blog at work?
has blogging interfered with your job?
your family?
your relationships (with nonbloggers)?
have you tried to quit and couldn't?

you may be a blog -a- holic

go ahead just say it

I am a blog-a-holic
and i am powerless over blogging

feel better?



wash your dicky she said
or i won't give you head
so he rushed to the sink
dropped his cock in the drink
and later that day
he was rumored to say
i don't know if cleanliness is next to godliness
but this sure beats jerking off

Saturday, January 28, 2006

the laundry chronicles

an informal history

lest I forget

chapter one early impressions

after finishing college
my grandmother chose a path
somewhat different
from that of her sisters

they were

civic minded
career oriented

she became a preachers wife
mother of six

In those days
was sent out

nice people
didn't have
washing machines
at home

not even
piss poor

But, my grandfather
(described as a bit of a tyrant)
patriarch of his family
and church

had made up his mind
to purchase

perhaps it was his attempt
at combatting the stench
of the six little bedwetters
with whom he shared his home

or perhaps he just had some inate male love of things mechanical


my great aunts
not unused to protesting

rallied 'round my grandmother
and with the same great zeal
they carried into great causes

they fought my grandfather
long and hard
to keep the evil contraption

no sister of theirs
would be slave
to a machine



Inanity Press

what are you doing here

laptop publishing

what am i doing here